Source code for wikitextparser._wikitext

from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right, insort_right
from html import unescape
from itertools import compress, islice
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

from regex import (
from wcwidth import wcswidth

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from ._config import (
from ._spans import (

        b'{name}', rb'(?<name>' + _HTML_TAG_NAME + rb')', 1

# External links
    _bare_external_link_schemes | {'//'}
    rb'(?>' + BARE_EXTERNAL_LINK + rb'|' + BRACKET_EXTERNAL_LINK + rb')'
INVALID_EXT_CHARS_SUB = rc(  # the [:-4] slice allows \[ and \]
    rb'[' + INVALID_URL_CHARS[:-4] + rb'{}]'

# Sections
SECTION_HEADING = rb'^(?<equals>={1,6})[^\n]+?(?P=equals)[ \t]*+$'
SUBSECTION_HEADING = rb'^(?P=equals)=[^\n]+?(?P=equals)=[ \t]*+$'
LEAD_SECTION = rb'(?<section>(?<equals>).*?)'
    + rb'(?<section>'
    + rb'.*?'  # heading  # section content
    + rb'(?<section>'
    + rb'.*?'
    + rb'.*?'

# Tables
    # Table-start
    # Always starts on a new line with optional leading spaces or indentation.
    (?<=^[ :\0]*+)
    {\| # Table contents
        # Any character, as long as it is not indicating another table-start
        (?!^\ *+\{\|).
    # Table-end
    (?> \|} | \Z )

substitute_apostrophes = rc(rb"('\0*+){2,}+(?=[^']|$)", MULTILINE).sub

    # start token
    # content
    # end token

    # start token
    # content
    # end token

# Types which are detected by parse_to_spans

WS = '\r\n\t '

class DeadIndexError(TypeError):

class DeadIndex(int):
    """Do not allow adding to another integer but allow usage in a slice.

    Addition of indices is the main operation during mutation of WikiText

    __slots__ = ()

    def __add__(self, o):
        raise DeadIndexError(
            'this usually means that the object has died '
            '(overwritten or deleted) and cannot be mutated'

    __radd__ = __add__

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'DeadIndex()'

DEAD_INDEX = DeadIndex()  # == int() == 0

def _table_to_text(t: 'Table') -> str:
    data = [
        [(cell if cell is not None else '') for cell in row]
        for row in
    if not data:
        return ''
    widths = [0] * len(data[0])
    for row in data:
        for ri, d in enumerate(row[:-1]):
            widths[ri] = max(widths[ri], wcswidth(d))
    caption = t.caption
    return (
        (f'\n{caption}\n' if caption is not None else '')
        + '\n'
        + '\n'.join(
            '\t'.join(f'{d:<{w}}' for (w, d) in zip(widths, r)) for r in data
        + '\n'

[docs] class WikiText: # In subclasses of WikiText _type is used as the key for _type_to_spans # Therefore: self._span can be found in self._type_to_spans[self._type]. # The following class attribute acts as a default value. _type = 'WikiText' __slots__ = '_type_to_spans', '_lststr', '_span_data'
[docs] def __init__( self, string: Union[MutableSequence[str], str], _type_to_spans: Dict[str, List[List[int]]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the object. Set the initial values for self._lststr, self._type_to_spans. :param string: The string to be parsed or a list containing the string of the parent object. :param _type_to_spans: If the lststr is already parsed, pass its _type_to_spans property as _type_to_spans to avoid parsing it again. """ if _type_to_spans is not None: self._type_to_spans = _type_to_spans self._lststr = string # type: MutableSequence[str] return self._lststr = [string] byte_array = bytearray(string, 'ascii', 'replace') span = self._span_data = [0, len(string), None, byte_array] _type = self._type if _type not in SPAN_PARSER_TYPES: type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans = parse_to_spans(byte_array) type_to_spans[_type] = [span] else: # In SPAN_PARSER_TYPES, we can't pass the original byte_array to # parser to generate the shadow because it will replace the whole # string with '_'. Also, we can't just modify it before passing # because the generated _type_to_spans will lack self._span. # As a workaround we can add the missed span after parsing. if type(self) is Parameter: head = byte_array[:2] tail = byte_array[-2:] byte_array[:2] = b'__' byte_array[-2:] = b'__' else: head = byte_array[0] tail = byte_array[-1] byte_array[0] = 3 byte_array[-1] = 32 type_to_spans = parse_to_spans(byte_array) type_to_spans[_type].insert(0, span) self._type_to_spans = type_to_spans if type(self) is Parameter: byte_array[:2] = head byte_array[-2:] = tail else: byte_array[0] = head byte_array[-1] = tail
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return self.string
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self.string)})'
[docs] def __contains__(self, value: Union[str, 'WikiText']) -> bool: """Return True if parsed_wikitext is inside self. False otherwise. Also self and parsed_wikitext should belong to the same parsed wikitext object for this function to return True. """ # Is it useful (and a good practice) to also accepts str inputs # and check if self.string contains it? if isinstance(value, str): return value in self.string # isinstance(value, WikiText) if self._lststr is not value._lststr: return False ps, pe, _, _ = value._span_data ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data if ss <= ps and se >= pe: return True return False
def __len__(self): s, e, _, _ = self._span_data return e - s
[docs] def __call__( self, start: int, stop: Optional[int] = False, step: int = None ) -> str: """Return `self.string[start]` or `self.string[start:stop]`. Return self.string[start] if stop is False. Otherwise return self.string[start:stop:step]. """ if stop is False: if start >= 0: return self._lststr[0][self._span_data[0] + start] return self._lststr[0][self._span_data[1] + start] s, e, _, _ = self._span_data return self._lststr[0][ s if start is None else (s + start if start >= 0 else e + start) : e if stop is None else (s + stop if stop >= 0 else e + stop) : step ]
def _check_index(self, key: Union[slice, int]) -> (int, int): """Return adjusted start and stop index as tuple. Used in __setitem__ and __delitem__. """ ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: key += se - ss if key < 0: raise IndexError('index out of range') elif key >= se - ss: raise IndexError('index out of range') start = ss + key return start, start + 1 # isinstance(key, slice) if key.step is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'step is not implemented for string setter.' ) start = key.start or 0 stop = key.stop if start < 0: start += se - ss if start < 0: raise IndexError('start index out of range') if stop is None: stop = se - ss elif stop < 0: stop += se - ss if start > stop: raise IndexError( 'stop index out of range or start is after the stop' ) return start + ss, stop + ss
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: Union[slice, int], value: str) -> None: """Set a new string for the given slice or character index. Use this method instead of calling `insert` and `del` consecutively. By doing so only one of the `_insert_update` and `_shrink_update` functions will be called and the performance will improve. """ abs_start, abs_stop = self._check_index(key) # Update lststr lststr = self._lststr lststr0 = lststr[0] lststr[0] = lststr0[:abs_start] + value + lststr0[abs_stop:] # Set the length of all subspans to zero because # they are all being replaced. self._close_subspans(abs_start, abs_stop) # Update the other spans according to the new length. val_ba = bytearray(value, 'ascii', 'replace') len_change = len(value) + abs_start - abs_stop if len_change > 0: self._insert_update(abs_start, len_change) elif len_change < 0: self._del_update( rmstart=abs_stop + len_change, rmstop=abs_stop, # new stop ) # old stop # Add the newly added spans contained in the value. type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans for type_, value_spans in parse_to_spans(val_ba).items(): tts = type_to_spans[type_] for s, e, m, ba in value_spans: try: insort_right(tts, [abs_start + s, abs_start + e, m, ba]) except TypeError: # already exists which has lead to comparing Matches continue
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: Union[slice, int]) -> None: """Remove the specified range or character from self.string. Note: If an operation involves both insertion and deletion, it'll be safer to use the `insert` function first. Otherwise there is a possibility of insertion into the wrong spans. """ start, stop = self._check_index(key) lststr = self._lststr lststr0 = lststr[0] lststr[0] = lststr0[:start] + lststr0[stop:] # Update spans self._del_update(start, stop)
# Todo: def __add__(self, other) and __radd__(self, other)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, string: str) -> None: """Insert the given string before the specified index. This method has the same effect as ``self[index:index] = string``; it only avoids some condition checks as it rules out the possibility of the key being an slice, or the need to shrink any of the sub-spans. """ ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data lststr = self._lststr lststr0 = lststr[0] if index < 0: index += se - ss if index < 0: index = 0 elif index > se - ss: # Note that it is not >=. Index can be new. index = se - ss index += ss # Update lststr lststr[0] = lststr0[:index] + string + lststr0[index:] string_len = len(string) # Update spans self._insert_update(index=index, length=string_len) # Remember newly added spans by the string. type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans byte_array = bytearray(string, 'ascii', 'replace') for type_, spans in parse_to_spans(byte_array).items(): for s, e, _, _ in spans: insort_right( type_to_spans[type_], [index + s, index + e, None, byte_array], )
@property def span(self) -> tuple: """Return the span of self relative to the start of the root node.""" # In Python 3.7 and earlier, generalized iterable unpacking in yield # and return statements requires enclosing parentheses: # return (*self._span_data[:2],) # noqa @property def string(self) -> str: """Return str(self). Support get, set, and delete operations. getter and deleter: Note that this will overwrite the current string, emptying any object that points to the old string. """ start, end, _, _ = self._span_data return self._lststr[0][start:end] @string.setter def string(self, newstring: str) -> None: self[:] = newstring @string.deleter def string(self) -> None: del self[:] def _subspans(self, type_: str) -> List[List[int]]: """Return all the sub-span including self._span.""" return self._type_to_spans[type_] def _close_subspans(self, start: int, stop: int) -> None: """Close all sub-spans of (start, stop).""" ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data for spans in self._type_to_spans.values(): b = bisect_left(spans, [start]) for i, (s, e, _, _) in enumerate( spans[b : bisect_right(spans, [stop], b)] ): if e <= stop: if ss != s or se != e: spans.pop(i + b)[:] = DEAD_SPAN b -= 1 def _del_update(self, rmstart: int, rmstop: int) -> None: """Update self._type_to_spans according to the removed span.""" # Note: The following algorithm won't work correctly if spans # are not sorted. # Note: No span should be removed from _type_to_spans. rmlength = rmstop - rmstart for spans in self._type_to_spans.values(): i = len(spans) - 1 while i >= 0: # todo update byte_array s, e, _, b = span = spans[i] if rmstop <= s: # rmstart <= rmstop <= s <= e # todo span[:] = s - rmlength, e - rmlength, None, None i -= 1 continue break # pragma: no cover else: continue # pragma: no cover while True: if rmstart <= s: if rmstop < e: # rmstart < s <= rmstop < e # todo: update byte_array instead span[:] = rmstart, e - rmlength, None, None i -= 1 if i < 0: break s, e, _, _ = span = spans[i] continue # rmstart <= s <= e < rmstop spans.pop(i)[:] = DEAD_SPAN i -= 1 if i < 0: break s, e, _, _ = span = spans[i] continue break # pragma: no cover while i >= 0: if e <= rmstart: # s <= e <= rmstart <= rmstop i -= 1 if i < 0: break s, e, _, _ = span = spans[i] continue # s <= rmstart <= rmstop <= e span[1] -= rmlength span[2] = None # todo: update bytearray instead span[3] = None i -= 1 if i < 0: break s, e, _, _ = span = spans[i] continue def _insert_update(self, index: int, length: int) -> None: """Update self._type_to_spans according to the added length. Warning: If an operation involves both _shrink_update and _insert_update, you might wanna consider doing the _insert_update before the _shrink_update as this function can cause data loss in self._type_to_spans. """ self_span = ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data for span_type, spans in self._type_to_spans.items(): for span in spans: s0, s1, _, _ = span if index < s1 or s1 == index == se: span[1] += length span[3] = None # todo: update instead # index is before s0, or at s0 but span is not a parent if index < s0 or ( s0 == index and self_span is not span and span_type != 'WikiText' ): span[0] += length def _nesting_level(self, parent_types) -> int: ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data level = 0 type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans for type_ in parent_types: spans = type_to_spans[type_] for s, e, _, _ in spans[: bisect_right(spans, [ss + 1])]: if se <= e: level += 1 return level @property def _content_span(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: # return content_start, self_len, self_end return 0, len(self) @property def _shadow(self) -> bytearray: """Return a copy of self.string with specific sub-spans replaced. Comments blocks are replaced by spaces. Other sub-spans are replaced by underscores. The replaced sub-spans are: ( 'Template', 'WikiLink', 'ParserFunction', 'ExtensionTag', 'Comment', ) This function is called upon extracting tables or extracting the data inside them. """ ss, se, m, cached_shadow = span_data = self._span_data if cached_shadow is not None: return cached_shadow shadow = span_data[3] = bytearray( self._lststr[0][ss:se], 'ascii', 'replace' ) if self._type in SPAN_PARSER_TYPES: cs, ce = self._content_span head = shadow[:cs] tail = shadow[ce:] shadow[:cs] = b'_' * cs shadow[ce:] = b'_' * len(tail) parse_to_spans(shadow) shadow[:cs] = head shadow[ce:] = tail else: parse_to_spans(shadow) return shadow def _inner_type_to_spans_copy(self) -> Dict[str, List[List[int]]]: """Create the arguments for the parse function used in pformat method. Only return sub-spans and change them to fit the new scope, i.e self.string. """ ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data return { type_: [ [s - ss, e - ss, m, ba[:] if ba is not None else None] for s, e, m, ba in spans[ bisect_right(spans, [ss]) : bisect_right(spans, [se]) ] ] for type_, spans in self._type_to_spans.items() }
[docs] def plain_text( self, *, replace_templates: Union[ bool, Callable[['Template'], Optional[str]] ] = True, replace_parser_functions: Union[ bool, Callable[['ParserFunction'], Optional[str]] ] = True, replace_parameters=True, replace_tags=True, replace_external_links=True, replace_wikilinks=True, unescape_html_entities=True, replace_bolds_and_italics=True, replace_tables: Union[ Callable[['Table'], Optional[str]], bool ] = _table_to_text, _is_root_node=False, ) -> str: # plain_text_doc will be added to __doc__ """Return a plain text string representation of self.""" if _is_root_node is False: s, e, m, b = self._span_data tts = self._inner_type_to_spans_copy() parsed = WikiText([self._lststr[0][s:e]], tts) new_end = e - s for span_data in tts[self._type]: if span_data[1] == new_end: parsed._span_data = span_data break else: # self is a dead span parsed._span_data = [0, 0, None, bytearray()] else: tts = self._type_to_spans parsed = self lst = list(parsed.string) def remove(b: int, e: int): lst[b:e] = [None] * (e - b) for b, e, _, _ in tts['Comment']: remove(b, e) if callable(replace_templates): for template in parsed.templates: b, e = template._span_data[:2] # noqa if lst[b] is None: # overwritten continue lst[b] = replace_templates(template) remove(b + 1, e) elif replace_templates: for b, e, _, _ in tts['Template']: remove(b, e) if callable(replace_parser_functions): for pf in parsed.parser_functions: b, e = pf._span_data[:2] if lst[b] is None: # already overwritten continue lst[b] = replace_parser_functions(pf) remove(b + 1, e) elif replace_parser_functions: for b, e, _, _ in tts['ParserFunction']: remove(b, e) if replace_external_links: for el in parsed.external_links: if el.in_brackets: b, e = el.span text = el.text if text is None: remove(b, e) else: remove(b, e - 1 - len(text)) remove(e - 1, e) # replacing bold and italics should be done before wikilinks and tags # because removing tags and wikilinks creates invalid spans, and # get_bolds() will try to look into wikilinks for bold parts. if replace_bolds_and_italics: for i in parsed.get_bolds_and_italics(): b, e = i.span ib, ie = i._match.span(1) # noqa, text span remove(b, b + ib) remove(b + ie, e) if replace_parameters: for p in parsed.parameters: b, e = p.span default_start = p._shadow.find(124) if default_start != -1: remove(b, b + default_start + 1) remove(e - 3, e) else: remove(b, e) if replace_tags: for t in parsed.get_tags(): b, e = t.span cb, ce = t._match.span('contents') # noqa if cb != -1: # not a self-closing tag remove(b, b + cb) remove(b + ce, e) else: # remove the whole self-closing tag remove(b, e) if replace_wikilinks: for w in parsed.wikilinks: b, e = w.span title = w.title if title[:1] != ':' and ( title.partition(':')[2].rpartition('.')[2] in KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS ): remove(b, e) # image else: tb, te = w._match.span(4) # noqa, text span if tb != -1: remove(b, b + tb) remove(b + te, e) else: tb, te = w._match.span(1) # noqa, target span remove(b, b + tb) remove(b + te, e) if callable(replace_tables): for table in parsed.get_tables(): b, e = table._span_data[:2] # noqa if lst[b] is None: # overwritten continue lst[b] = replace_tables( Table(''.join([c for c in lst[b:e] if c is not None])) ) remove(b + 1, e) string = ''.join([c for c in lst if c is not None]) if unescape_html_entities: string = unescape(string) return string
[docs] def pformat(self, indent: str = ' ', remove_comments=False) -> str: """Return a pretty-print formatted version of `self.string`. Try to organize templates and parser functions by indenting, aligning at the equal signs, and adding space where appropriate. Note that this function will not mutate self. """ ws = WS # Do not try to do inplace pformat. It will overwrite on some spans. lststr0 = self._lststr[0] s, e, m, b = self._span_data parsed = WikiText([lststr0[s:e]], self._inner_type_to_spans_copy()) # Since _type_to_spans arg of WikiText has been used, parsed._span # is not set yet. span = [0, e - s, m, b[:] if b is not None else None] parsed._span_data = span parsed._type_to_spans['WikiText'] = [span] if remove_comments: for c in parsed.comments: del c[:] else: # Only remove comments that contain whitespace. for c in parsed.comments: if not c.contents.strip(ws): del c[:] # First remove all current spacings. for template in reversed(parsed.templates): stripped_tl_name = = ( ' ' + stripped_tl_name + ' ' if stripped_tl_name[0] == '{' else stripped_tl_name ) args = template.arguments if not args: continue if ':' in stripped_tl_name: # Don't use False because we don't know for sure. not_a_parser_function = None else: not_a_parser_function = True # Required for alignment arg_stripped_names = [ for a in args] arg_positionalities = [a.positional for a in args] arg_name_lengths = [ wcswidth(n.replace('لا', '?')) if not p else 0 for n, p in zip(arg_stripped_names, arg_positionalities) ] max_name_len = max(arg_name_lengths) # Format level = template.nesting_level newline_indent = '\n' + indent * level += newline_indent if level == 1: last_comment_indent = '<!--\n-->' else: last_comment_indent = '<!--\n' + indent * (level - 2) + ' -->' # Special formatting for the last argument. last_arg = args.pop() last_is_positional = arg_positionalities.pop() last_value = last_arg.value last_stripped_value = last_value.strip(ws) if last_is_positional and last_value != last_stripped_value: stop_conversion = True if not last_value.endswith('\n' + indent * (level - 1)): last_arg.value = last_value + last_comment_indent elif not_a_parser_function: stop_conversion = False = ( ' ' + arg_stripped_names.pop() + ' ' + ' ' * (max_name_len - arg_name_lengths.pop()) ) last_arg.value = ( ' ' + last_stripped_value + '\n' + indent * (level - 1) ) elif last_is_positional: # (last_value == last_stripped_value # and not_a_parser_function is not True) stop_conversion = True # Can't strip or adjust the position of the value # because this could be a positional argument in a template. last_arg.value = last_value + last_comment_indent else: stop_conversion = True # This is either a parser function or a keyword # argument in a template. In both cases the name # can be lstripped and the value can be rstripped. = ' ' + if not last_value.endswith('\n' + indent * (level - 1)): last_arg.value = ( last_value.rstrip(ws) + ' ' + last_comment_indent ) if not args: continue comment_indent = '<!--\n' + indent * (level - 1) + ' -->' for arg, stripped_name, positional, arg_name_len in zip( reversed(args), reversed(arg_stripped_names), reversed(arg_positionalities), reversed(arg_name_lengths), ): value = arg.value stripped_value = value.strip(ws) # Positional arguments of templates are sensitive to # whitespace. See: # if stop_conversion: if not value.endswith(newline_indent): arg.value += comment_indent elif positional and value != stripped_value: stop_conversion = True if not value.endswith(newline_indent): arg.value += comment_indent elif not_a_parser_function: = ( ' ' + stripped_name + ' ' + ' ' * (max_name_len - arg_name_len) ) arg.value = ' ' + stripped_value + newline_indent for func in reversed(parsed.parser_functions): name = ls_name = name.lstrip(ws) lws = len(name) - len(ls_name) if lws: del func[2 : lws + 2] if ls_name.lower() in ('#tag', '#invoke', ''): # The 2nd argument of `tag` parser function is an exception # and cannot be stripped. # So in `{{#tag:tagname|arg1|...}}`, no whitespace should be # added/removed to/from arg1. # See: [[mw:Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#Miscellaneous]] # All args of #invoke are also whitespace-sensitive. continue args = func.arguments if not args: continue # Whitespace, including newlines, tabs, and spaces is stripped # from the beginning and end of all the parameters of # parser functions. See: # # Stripping_whitespace level = func.nesting_level short_indent = '\n' + indent * (level - 1) newline_indent = short_indent + indent if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] # the first arg is both the first and last argument if arg.positional: arg.value = ( newline_indent + arg.value.strip(ws) + short_indent ) else: # Note that we don't add spaces before and after the # '=' in parser functions because it could be part of # an ordinary string. = newline_indent + arg.value = arg.value.rstrip(ws) + short_indent continue # Special formatting for the first argument arg = args[0] if arg.positional: arg.value = ( newline_indent + arg.value.strip(ws) + newline_indent ) else: = newline_indent + arg.value = arg.value.rstrip(ws) + newline_indent # Formatting the middle arguments for arg in args[1:-1]: if arg.positional: arg.value = ' ' + arg.value.strip(ws) + newline_indent else: = ' ' + arg.value = arg.value.rstrip(ws) + newline_indent # Special formatting for the last argument arg = args[-1] if arg.positional: arg.value = ' ' + arg.value.strip(ws) + short_indent else: = ' ' + arg.value = arg.value.rstrip(ws) + short_indent return parsed.string
@property def parameters(self) -> List['Parameter']: """Return a list of parameter objects.""" _lststr = self._lststr _type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ Parameter(_lststr, _type_to_spans, span, 'Parameter') for span in self._subspans('Parameter') ] @property def parser_functions(self) -> List['ParserFunction']: """Return a list of parser function objects.""" _lststr = self._lststr _type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ ParserFunction(_lststr, _type_to_spans, span, 'ParserFunction') for span in self._subspans('ParserFunction') ] @property def templates(self) -> List['Template']: """Return a list of templates as template objects.""" _lststr = self._lststr _type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ Template(_lststr, _type_to_spans, span, 'Template') for span in self._subspans('Template') ] @property def wikilinks(self) -> List['WikiLink']: """Return a list of wikilink objects.""" _lststr = self._lststr _type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ WikiLink(_lststr, _type_to_spans, span, 'WikiLink') for span in self._subspans('WikiLink') ] @property def comments(self) -> List['Comment']: """Return a list of comment objects.""" _lststr = self._lststr _type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ Comment(_lststr, _type_to_spans, span, 'Comment') for span in self._subspans('Comment') ] @property def _balanced_quotes_shadow(self) -> bytearray: """Return a byte array with non-markup-apostrophes removed. The comments at /includes/parser/Parser.php:doQuotes are helpful: """ bold_starts: List[int] = [] odd_italics = False odd_bold_italics = False append_bold_start = bold_starts.append def process_line(line: bytes) -> bytes: nonlocal odd_italics, odd_bold_italics if odd_italics and (len(bold_starts) + odd_bold_italics) % 2: # one of the bold marks needs to be interpreted as italic first_multi_letter_word = first_space = None for s in bold_starts: if line[s - 1] == 32: # space if first_space is None: first_space = s continue if line[s - 2] == 32: # space line = line[:s] + b' ' + line[s + 1 :] break # first_single_letter_word if first_multi_letter_word is None: first_multi_letter_word = s continue else: # there was no first_single_letter_word if first_multi_letter_word is not None: line = ( line[:first_multi_letter_word] + b'_' + line[first_multi_letter_word + 1 :] ) elif first_space is not None: line = ( line[:first_space] + b'_' + line[first_space + 1 :] ) # reset state for the next line bold_starts.clear() odd_italics = False odd_bold_italics = False return line def process_apostrophes(m) -> bytes: nonlocal odd_italics, odd_bold_italics starts = m.starts(1) n = len(starts) if n == 2: # italic odd_italics ^= True return m[0] if n == 3: # bold append_bold_start(starts[0]) return m[0] if n == 5: odd_bold_italics ^= True odd_italics ^= True return m[0] if n == 4: # four apostrophes -> hide the first one s = starts[1] append_bold_start(s) return b'_' * (s - starts[0]) + m.string[s : m.end()] # more than 5 apostrophes -> hide the prior ones odd_bold_italics ^= True odd_italics ^= True s = starts[-5] return b'_' * (s - starts[0]) + m.string[s : m.end()] return bytearray(b'\n').join( [ process_line(substitute_apostrophes(process_apostrophes, line)) for line in self._shadow.splitlines() ] ) def _bolds_italics_recurse(self, result: list, filter_cls: Optional[type]): for prop in ( 'templates', 'parser_functions', 'parameters', 'wikilinks', ): for e in getattr(self, prop): result += e.get_bolds_and_italics( filter_cls=filter_cls, recursive=False ) extension_tags = self._extension_tags if not extension_tags: return result # noinspection PyProtectedMember result_spans = {(*i._span_data[:2],) for i in result} for e in extension_tags: for i in e.get_bolds_and_italics( filter_cls=filter_cls, recursive=False ): # noinspection PyProtectedMember if (*i._span_data[:2],) not in result_spans: result.append(i)
[docs] def get_bolds_and_italics( self, *, recursive=True, filter_cls: type = None ) -> List[Union['Bold', 'Italic']]: """Return a list of bold and italic objects in self. This is faster than calling ``get_bolds`` and ``get_italics`` individually. :keyword recursive: if True also look inside templates, parser functions, extension tags, etc. :keyword filter_cls: only return this type. Should be `wikitextparser.Bold` or `wikitextparser.Italic`. The default is None and means both bolds and italics. """ result = [] append = result.append _lststr = self._lststr s = self._span_data[0] type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans tts_setdefault = type_to_spans.setdefault balanced_shadow = self._balanced_quotes_shadow rs, re = self._content_span if filter_cls is None or filter_cls is Bold: bold_spans = tts_setdefault('Bold', []) get_old_bold_span = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in bold_spans}.get bold_matches = list(BOLD_FINDITER(balanced_shadow, rs, re)) for m in bold_matches: ms, me = m.span() b, e = s + ms, s + me old_span = get_old_bold_span((b, e)) if old_span is None: span = [b, e, None, balanced_shadow[ms:me]] insort_right(bold_spans, span) else: span = old_span append(Bold(_lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'Bold')) if recursive: self._bolds_italics_recurse(result, filter_cls) if filter_cls is Bold: result.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return result elif filter_cls is Bold: return result else: # filter_cls is Italic bold_matches = BOLD_FINDITER(balanced_shadow, rs, re) # filter_cls is None or filter_cls is Italic # remove bold tokens before searching for italics for m in bold_matches: ms, me = m.span() cs, ce = m.span(1) # content balanced_shadow[ms:cs] = b'_' * (cs - ms) balanced_shadow[ce:me] = b'_' * (me - ce) italic_spans = tts_setdefault('Italic', []) get_old_italic_span = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in italic_spans}.get for m in ITALIC_FINDITER(balanced_shadow, rs, re): ms, me = m.span() b, e = span = s + ms, s + me old_span = get_old_italic_span(span) if old_span is None: span = [b, e, None, balanced_shadow[ms:me]] insort_right(italic_spans, span) else: span = old_span append( Italic(_lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'Bold', me != m.end(1)) ) if recursive and filter_cls is Italic: self._bolds_italics_recurse(result, filter_cls) result.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return result if filter_cls is None: # all Italics are appended after Bolds result.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return result
[docs] def get_bolds(self, recursive=True) -> List['Bold']: """Return bold parts of self. :param recursive: if True also look inside templates, parser functions, extension tags, etc. """ return self.get_bolds_and_italics(filter_cls=Bold, recursive=recursive)
[docs] def get_italics(self, recursive=True) -> List['Italic']: """Return italic parts of self. :param recursive: if True also look inside templates, parser functions, extension tags, etc. """ return self.get_bolds_and_italics( filter_cls=Italic, recursive=recursive )
@property def _ext_link_shadow(self): """Replace the invalid chars of SPAN_PARSER_TYPES with b'_'. For comments, all characters are replaced, but for ('Template', 'ParserFunction', 'Parameter') only invalid characters are replaced. """ ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data byte_array = bytearray(self._lststr[0][ss:se], 'ascii', 'replace') subspans = self._subspans for s, e, _, _ in subspans('Comment'): byte_array[s:e] = (e - s) * b'_' for s, e, _, _ in subspans('WikiLink'): byte_array[s:e] = (e - s) * b' ' for type_ in 'Template', 'ParserFunction', 'Parameter': for s, e, _, _ in subspans(type_): byte_array[s:e] = INVALID_EXT_CHARS_SUB(b' ', byte_array[s:e]) return byte_array @property def external_links(self) -> List['ExternalLink']: """Return a list of found external link objects. Note: Templates adjacent to external links are considered part of the link. In reality, this depends on the contents of the template: >>> WikiText( ... '{{dead link}}' ...).external_links[0].url '{{dead link}}' >>> WikiText( ... '[{{space template}} text]' ...).external_links[0].url '{{space template}}' """ external_links = [] # type: List['ExternalLink'] external_links_append = external_links.append type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans lststr = self._lststr ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data spans = type_to_spans.setdefault('ExternalLink', []) span_tuple_to_span_get = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in spans}.get el_shadow = self._ext_link_shadow def _extract(start, end): for m in EXTERNAL_LINK_FINDITER(el_shadow, start, end): ms, me = m.span() span = s, e, _, _ = [ss + ms, ss + me, None, el_shadow[ms:me]] old_span = span_tuple_to_span_get((s, e)) if old_span is None: insort_right(spans, span) else: span = old_span external_links_append( ExternalLink(lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'ExternalLink') ) for s, e, _, _ in self._subspans('ExtensionTag'): _extract(s, e) el_shadow[s:e] = (e - s) * b' ' _extract(None, None) return external_links def _section_spans_to_sections( self, section_spans: List[Tuple[int, int]], shadow: bytearray ) -> List['Section']: type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans sections: List[Section] = [] sections_append = sections.append ss, se, _, ba = self._span_data type_spans = type_to_spans.setdefault('Section', []) span_tuple_to_span = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in type_spans}.get lststr = self._lststr for ms, me in section_spans: s, e = ss + ms, ss + me old_span = span_tuple_to_span((s, e)) if old_span is None: span = [s, e, None, shadow[ms:me]] insort_right(type_spans, span) else: span = old_span sections_append(Section(lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'Section')) return sections @property def sections(self) -> List['Section']: """Return self.get_sections(include_subsections=True).""" return self.get_sections()
[docs] def get_sections( self, *args, include_subsections=True, level=None, top_levels_only=False, ) -> List['Section']: """Return a list of sections in current wikitext. The first section will always be the lead section, even if it is an empty string. :param include_subsections: If true, include the text of subsections in each Section object. :param level: Only return sections where section.level == level. Return all levels if None (default). :param top_levels_only: Only return sections that are not subsections of other sections. In this mode, level cannot be specified and `include_subsections` must be True. """ if args: warn( 'calling get_sections with positional arguments is deprecated', DeprecationWarning, 2, ) if len(args) == 1: include_subsections = args[0] else: include_subsections, level = args shadow = self._shadow if top_levels_only: assert level is None assert include_subsections full_match = SECTIONS_TOP_LEVELS_ONLY(shadow) return self._section_spans_to_sections( full_match.spans('section'), shadow ) full_match = SECTIONS_FULLMATCH(shadow) section_spans = full_match.spans('section') levels = [len(eq) for eq in full_match.captures('equals')] if include_subsections: z = [*zip(section_spans, levels)] for pi, ((ps, pe), pl) in enumerate(islice(z, 1, None), 1): for (ss, se), sl in islice(z, pi + 1, None): if sl > pl: section_spans[pi] = (ps, se) else: break if level is not None: section_spans = compress( section_spans, [lvl == level for lvl in levels] ) return self._section_spans_to_sections(section_spans, shadow)
@property def tables(self) -> List['Table']: """Return a list of all tables.""" return self.get_tables(True)
[docs] def get_tables(self, recursive=False) -> List['Table']: """Return tables. Include nested tables if `recursive` is `True`.""" type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans lststr = self._lststr shadow_copy = self._shadow[:] ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data spans = type_to_spans.setdefault('Table', []) spans_append = spans.append skip_self_span = self._type == 'Table' span_tuple_to_span_get = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in spans}.get return_spans = [] return_spans_append = return_spans.append shadow_copy_copy = shadow_copy[:] def extract_tables_from_shadow(): m = True while m: m = False for m in TABLE_FINDITER(shadow_copy, skip_self_span): ms, me = m.span() # Ignore leading whitespace using len(m[1]). s, e = ss + ms, ss + me old_span = span_tuple_to_span_get((s, e)) if old_span is None: span = [s, e, None, shadow_copy_copy[ms:me]] spans_append(span) return_spans_append(span) else: return_spans_append(old_span) shadow_copy[ms:me] = b'_' * (me - ms) extract_tables_from_shadow() for tag in self._extension_tags: if in _parsable_tag_extensions: shadow_copy = tag._shadow[:] shadow_copy_copy = shadow_copy[:] # noinspection PyProtectedMember ss = tag._span_data[0] extract_tables_from_shadow() return_spans.sort() spans.sort() if not recursive: return_spans = _outer_spans(return_spans) return [ Table(lststr, type_to_spans, sp, 'Table') for sp in return_spans ]
@property def _lists_shadow_ss(self) -> Tuple[bytearray, int]: """Return appropriate shadow and its offset to be used by `lists`.""" return self._shadow, self._span_data[0]
[docs] def get_lists( self, pattern: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = (r'\#', r'\*', '[:;]') ) -> List['WikiList']: r"""Return a list of WikiList objects. :param pattern: The starting pattern for list items. If pattern is not None, it will be passed to the regex engine, so remember to escape the `*` character. Examples: - `'\#'` means top-level ordered lists - `'\#\*'` means unordred lists inside an ordered one - Currently definition lists are not well supported, but you can use `'[:;]'` as their pattern. Tips and tricks: Be careful when using the following patterns as they will probably cause malfunction in the `sublists` method of the resultant List. (However don't worry about them if you are not going to use the `sublists` or `List.get_lists` method.) - Use `'\*+'` as a pattern and nested unordered lists will be treated as flat. - Use `'\*\s*'` as pattern to rtstrip `items` of the list. """ if isinstance(pattern, str): patterns = (pattern,) else: patterns = pattern lists = [] lists_append = lists.append lststr = self._lststr type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans spans = type_to_spans.setdefault('WikiList', []) span_tuple_to_span_get = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in spans}.get shadow, ss = self._lists_shadow_ss if any(':' in pattern for pattern in patterns): for m in EXTERNAL_LINK_FINDITER(shadow): s, e = m.span() shadow[s:e] = b'_' * (e - s) for pattern in patterns: for m in finditer( LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT.replace(b'{pattern}', pattern.encode(), 1), shadow, MULTILINE, ): ms, me = m.span() s, e = ss + ms, ss + me old_span = span_tuple_to_span_get((s, e)) if old_span is None: span = [s, e, None, shadow[ms:me]] insort_right(spans, span) else: span = old_span lists_append( WikiList( lststr, pattern, m, type_to_spans, span, 'WikiList' ) ) lists.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return lists
@property def _extension_tags(self): lststr = self._lststr type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans return [ Tag(lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'ExtensionTag') for span in self._subspans('ExtensionTag') ]
[docs] def get_tags(self, name=None) -> List['Tag']: """Return all tags with the given name.""" lststr = self._lststr type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans if name: if name in _tag_extensions: string = lststr[0] return [ Tag(lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'ExtensionTag') for span in type_to_spans['ExtensionTag'] if match(r'<' + name + r'\b', string, pos=span[0]) is not None ] tags = [] # type: List['Tag'] else: # There is no name, add all extension tags. Before using shadow. tags = self._extension_tags tags_append = tags.append # Get the left-most start tag, match it to right-most end tag # and so on. ss = self._span_data[0] shadow = self._shadow if name: # There is a name but it is not in TAG_EXTENSIONS. reversed_start_matches = reversed( [ m for m in rc( START_TAG_PATTERN.replace( rb'{name}', rb'(?P<name>' + name.encode() + rb')' ) ).finditer(shadow) ] ) end_search = rc( END_TAG_PATTERN.replace(b'{name}', name.encode()) ).search else: reversed_start_matches = reversed( [m for m in NAME_CAPTURING_HTML_START_TAG_FINDITER(shadow)] ) shadow_copy = shadow[:] spans = type_to_spans.setdefault('Tag', []) span_tuple_to_span_get = {(s[0], s[1]): s for s in spans}.get spans_append = spans.append for start_match in reversed_start_matches: if start_match[0].rstrip(b' \t\n>')[-1] == 47: # ord('/') == 47 # Self-closing tag. Don't look for the end tag. # todo: some self-closing tags actually should be treated # as start tag in HTML5, see: # ms, me = start_match.span() span = [ss + ms, ss + me, None, shadow_copy[ms:me]] else: # look for the end-tag sms, sme = start_match.span() if name: # the end_search is already available # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable end_match = end_search(shadow_copy, sme) else: # build end_search according to start tag name end_match = search( END_TAG_PATTERN.replace( b'{name}', start_match['name'] ), shadow_copy, pos=sme, ) if end_match: ems, eme = end_match.span() shadow_copy[ems:eme] = b'_' * (eme - ems) span = [ss + sms, ss + eme, None, shadow[sms:eme]] else: # Assume start-only tag. span = [ss + sms, ss + sme, None, shadow_copy[sms:sme]] old_span = span_tuple_to_span_get((span[0], span[1])) if old_span is None: spans_append(span) else: span = old_span tags_append(Tag(lststr, type_to_spans, span, 'Tag')) spans.sort() tags.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return tags
[docs] @staticmethod def parent(type_: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional['WikiText']: """Return None (The parent of the root node is None).""" return None
[docs] @staticmethod def ancestors(type_: Optional[str] = None) -> list: """Return [] (the root node has no ancestors).""" return []
[docs] class SubWikiText(WikiText): """Define a class to be inherited by some subclasses of WikiText. Allow focusing on a particular part of WikiText. """ __slots__ = '_type'
[docs] def __init__( self, string: Union[str, MutableSequence[str]], _type_to_spans: Optional[Dict[str, List[List[int]]]] = None, _span: Optional[List[int]] = None, _type: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the object.""" if _type is None: # assert _span is None # assert _type_to_spans is None # # noinspection PyDunderSlots,PyUnresolvedReferences self._type = _type = type(self).__name__ super().__init__(string) else: # assert _span is not None # assert _type_to_spans is not None # # noinspection PyDunderSlots,PyUnresolvedReferences self._type = _type super().__init__(string, _type_to_spans) self._span_data = _span
def _subspans(self, _type: str) -> Generator[int, None, None]: """Yield all the sub-span indices excluding self._span.""" ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data spans = self._type_to_spans[_type] # Do not yield self._span by bisecting for s < ss. # The second bisect is an optimization and should be on [se + 1], # but empty spans are not desired thus [se] is used. b = bisect_left(spans, [ss]) for span in spans[b : bisect_right(spans, [se], b)]: if span[1] <= se: yield span # noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] def ancestors(self, type_: Optional[str] = None) -> List['WikiText']: """Return the ancestors of the current node. :param type_: the type of the desired ancestors as a string. Currently the following types are supported: {Template, ParserFunction, WikiLink, Comment, Parameter, ExtensionTag}. The default is None and means all the ancestors of any type above. """ if type_ is None: types = SPAN_PARSER_TYPES else: types = (type_,) lststr = self._lststr type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans ss, se, _, _ = self._span_data ancestors = [] ancestors_append = ancestors.append for type_ in types: cls = globals()[type_] spans = type_to_spans[type_] for span in spans[: bisect_right(spans, [ss])]: if se < span[1]: ancestors_append(cls(lststr, type_to_spans, span, type_)) return sorted(ancestors, key=lambda i: ss - i._span_data[0])
[docs] def parent(self, type_: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional['WikiText']: """Return the parent node of the current object. :param type_: the type of the desired parent object. Currently the following types are supported: {Template, ParserFunction, WikiLink, Comment, Parameter, ExtensionTag}. The default is None and means the first parent, of any type above. :return: parent WikiText object or None if no parent with the desired `type_` is found. """ ancestors = self.ancestors(type_) if ancestors: return ancestors[0] return None
def _outer_spans(sorted_spans: List[List[int]]) -> Iterable[List[int]]: """Yield the outermost intervals.""" for i, span in enumerate(sorted_spans): se = span[1] for ps, pe, _, _ in islice(sorted_spans, None, i): if se < pe: break else: # none of the previous spans included span yield span def remove_markup(s: str, **kwargs) -> str: # plain_text_doc will be added to __doc__ """Return a string with wiki markup removed/replaced.""" return WikiText(s).plain_text(**kwargs, _is_root_node=True) plain_text_doc = """ Comments are always removed. :keyword replace_templates: A function mapping `Template` objects to strings. If True, replace `{{template|argument}}`s with `''`. If False, ignore templates. :keyword replace_parser_functions: A function mapping `ParserFunction` objects to strings. If True, replace `{{#parser_function:argument}}`s with `''`. If False, ignore parser functions. :keyword replace_parameters: Replace `{{{a}}}` with `` and {{{a|b}}} with `b`. :keyword replace_tags: Replace `<s>text</s>` with `text`. :keyword replace_external_links: Replace `[ wm]` with `wm`, and `[]` with ``. :keyword replace_wikilinks: Replace wikilinks with their text representation, e.g. `[[a|b]]` with `b` and `[[a]]` with `a`. :keyword unescape_html_entities: Replace HTML entities like `&Sigma;`, `&#931;`, and `&#x3a3;` with `Σ`. :keyword replace_bolds: replace `'''b'''` with `b`. :keyword replace_italics: replace `''i''` with `i`. """ WikiText.plain_text.__doc__ += plain_text_doc remove_markup.__doc__ += plain_text_doc if __name__ == '__main__': # To make PyCharm happy! from ._comment_bold_italic import Bold, Comment, Italic from ._externallink import ExternalLink from ._parameter import Parameter from ._parser_function import ParserFunction from ._section import Section from ._table import Table from ._tag import Tag from ._template import Template from ._wikilink import WikiLink from ._wikilist import LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT, WikiList