Source code for wikitextparser._wikilist

from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Match, MutableSequence, Union

from regex import MULTILINE, escape, fullmatch

from ._wikitext import EXTERNAL_LINK_FINDITER, SubWikiText

# See includes/parser/BlockLevelPass.php for how MW parses list blocks.
    rb'(?>^' rb'(?&pattern)' rb'[:;#*].*+' rb'(?>\n|\Z)' rb')*+'
    rb'[*#;:].*+(?>\n|\Z)' rb'(?>' rb'(?&pattern)[*#;:].*+(?>\n|\Z)' rb')*+'
    # mark inline definition as an item
    rb'(?>\n|\Z)' + SUBLIST_PATTERN + rb'|'
    # non-definition
    + rb'|(?<item>.*+)(?>\n|\Z)'
    + rb')'

[docs] class WikiList(SubWikiText): """Class to represent ordered, unordered, and definition lists.""" __slots__ = 'pattern', '_match_cache'
[docs] def __init__( self, string: Union[str, MutableSequence[str]], pattern: str, _match: Match = None, _type_to_spans: Dict[str, List[List[int]]] = None, _span: List[int] = None, _type: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(string, _type_to_spans, _span, _type) self.pattern = pattern if _match: self._match_cache = _match, self.string else: self._match_cache = ( fullmatch( LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT.replace( b'{pattern}', pattern.encode(), 1 ), self._list_shadow, MULTILINE, ), self.string, )
@property def _list_shadow(self): shadow_copy = self._shadow[:] if ':' in self.pattern: for m in EXTERNAL_LINK_FINDITER(shadow_copy): s, e = m.span() shadow_copy[s:e] = b'_' * (e - s) return shadow_copy @property def _match(self): """Return the match object for the current list.""" cache_match, cache_string = self._match_cache string = self.string if cache_string == string: return cache_match cache_match = fullmatch( LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT.replace( b'{pattern}', self.pattern.encode(), 1 ), self._list_shadow, MULTILINE, ) self._match_cache = cache_match, string return cache_match @property def items(self) -> List[str]: """Return items as a list of strings. Do not include sub-items and the start pattern. """ items: List[str] = [] append = items.append string = self.string match = self._match ms = match.start() for s, e in match.spans('item'): append(string[s - ms : e - ms]) return items @property def fullitems(self) -> List[str]: """Return list of item strings. Includes their start and sub-items.""" fullitems = [] # type: List[str] append = fullitems.append string = self.string match = self._match ms = match.start() # Sort because "fullitem" can be flipped compared to "items" in case # of a definition list with the LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT regex. for s, e in sorted(match.spans('fullitem')): append(string[s - ms : e - ms]) return fullitems @property def level(self) -> int: """Return level of nesting for the current list. Level is a one-based index, for example the level for `* a` will be 1. """ return len(self._match['pattern'])
[docs] def sublists( self, i: int = None, pattern: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = (r'\#', r'\*', '[:;]'), ) -> List['WikiList']: """Return the Lists inside the item with the given index. :param i: The index of the item which its sub-lists are desired. :param pattern: The starting symbol for the desired sub-lists. The `pattern` of the current list will be automatically added as prefix. """ if isinstance(pattern, str): patterns = (pattern,) else: patterns = pattern self_pattern = self.pattern get_lists = super().get_lists sublists = [] # type: List['WikiList'] sublists_append = sublists.append if i is None: # Any sublist is acceptable for pattern in patterns: for lst in get_lists(self_pattern + pattern): sublists_append(lst) else: # Only return sub-lists that are within the given item match = self._match fullitem_spans = match.spans('fullitem') ss = self._span_data[0] ms = match.start() s, e = fullitem_spans[i] e -= ms - ss s -= ms - ss for pattern in patterns: for lst in get_lists(self_pattern + pattern): # noinspection PyProtectedMember ls, le, _, _ = lst._span_data if s <= ls and le <= e: sublists_append(lst) sublists.sort(key=attrgetter('_span_data')) return sublists
[docs] def convert(self, newstart: str) -> None: """Convert to another list type by replacing starting pattern.""" match = self._match ms = match.start() for s, e in reversed(match.spans('pattern')): self[s - ms : e - ms] = newstart self.pattern = escape(newstart)
[docs] def get_lists( self, pattern: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = (r'\#', r'\*', '[:;]') ) -> List['WikiList']: return self.sublists(pattern=pattern)