Source code for wikitextparser._template

from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar

from regex import REVERSE

from ._argument import Argument
from ._comment_bold_italic import COMMENT_PATTERN
from ._parser_function import SubWikiTextWithArgs
from ._wikitext import WS, rc


TL_NAME_ARGS_FULLMATCH = rc(rb'[^|}]*+(?#name)(?<arg>\|[^|]*+)*+').fullmatch
STARTING_WS_MATCH = rc(r'\s*+').match
ENDING_WS_MATCH = rc(r'(?>\n[ \t]*)*+', REVERSE).match
SPACE_AFTER_SEARCH = rc(r'\s*+(?=\|)').search

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs] class Template(SubWikiTextWithArgs): """Convert strings to Template objects. The string should start with {{ and end with }}. """ __slots__ = () _name_args_matcher = TL_NAME_ARGS_FULLMATCH _first_arg_sep = 124 @property def _content_span(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return 2, -2
[docs] def normal_name( self, rm_namespaces=('Template',), *, code: str = None, capitalize=False, ) -> str: """Return normal form of - Remove comments. - Remove language code. - Remove namespace ("template:" or any of `localized_namespaces`. - Use space instead of underscore. - Remove consecutive spaces. - Use uppercase for the first letter if `capitalize`. - Remove #anchor. :param rm_namespaces: is used to provide additional localized namespaces for the template namespace. They will be removed from the result. Default is ('Template',). :param capitalize: If True, convert the first letter of the template's name to a capital letter. See [[mw:Manual:$wgCapitalLinks]] for more info. :param code: is the language code. Example: >>> Template( ... '{{ eN : tEmPlAtE : <!-- c --> t_1 # b | a }}' ... ).normal_name(code='en') 'T 1' """ # Remove comments name = COMMENT_SUB('', # Remove code if code: head, sep, tail = name.partition(':') if not head and sep: name = tail.strip(' ') head, sep, tail = name.partition(':') if code.lower() == head.strip(' ').lower(): name = tail.strip(' ') # Remove namespace head, sep, tail = name.partition(':') if not head and sep: name = tail.strip(' ') head, sep, tail = name.partition(':') if head: ns = head.strip(' ').lower() for namespace in rm_namespaces: if namespace.lower() == ns: name = tail.strip(' ') break # Use space instead of underscore name = name.replace('_', ' ') if capitalize: # Use uppercase for the first letter name = name[:1].upper() + name[1:] # Remove #anchor name, sep, tail = name.partition('#') return ' '.join(name.split())
[docs] def rm_first_of_dup_args(self) -> None: """Eliminate duplicate arguments by removing the first occurrences. Remove the first occurrences of duplicate arguments, regardless of their value. Result of the rendered wikitext should remain the same. Warning: Some meaningful data may be removed from wikitext. Also see `rm_dup_args_safe` function. """ names = set() # type: set for a in reversed(self.arguments): name = if name in names: del a[: len(a.string)] else: names.add(name)
[docs] def rm_dup_args_safe(self, tag: str = None) -> None: """Remove duplicate arguments in a safe manner. Remove the duplicate arguments only in the following situations: 1. Both arguments have the same name AND value. (Remove one of them.) 2. Arguments have the same name and one of them is empty. (Remove the empty one.) Warning: Although this is considered to be safe and no meaningful data is removed from wikitext, but the result of the rendered wikitext may actually change if the second arg is empty and removed but the first had had a value. If `tag` is defined, it should be a string that will be appended to the value of the remaining duplicate arguments. Also see `rm_first_of_dup_args` function. """ name_to_lastarg_vals: Dict[str, Tuple[Argument, List[str]]] = {} # Removing positional args affects their name. By reversing the list # we avoid encountering those kind of args. for arg in reversed(self.arguments): name = if arg.positional: # Value of keyword arguments is automatically stripped by MW. val = arg.value else: # But it's not OK to strip whitespace in positional arguments. val = arg.value.strip(WS) if name in name_to_lastarg_vals: # This is a duplicate argument. if not val: # This duplicate argument is empty. It's safe to remove it. del arg[0 : len(arg.string)] else: # Try to remove any of the detected duplicates of this # that are empty or their value equals to this one. lastarg, dup_vals = name_to_lastarg_vals[name] if val in dup_vals: del arg[0 : len(arg.string)] elif '' in dup_vals: # This happens only if the last occurrence of name has # been an empty string; other empty values will # be removed as they are seen. # In other words index of the empty argument in # dup_vals is always 0. del lastarg[0 : len(lastarg.string)] dup_vals.pop(0) else: # It was not possible to remove any of the duplicates. dup_vals.append(val) if tag: arg.value += tag else: name_to_lastarg_vals[name] = (arg, [val])
[docs] def set_arg( self, name: str, value: str, positional: bool = None, before: str = None, after: str = None, preserve_spacing=False, ) -> None: """Set the value for `name` argument. Add it if it doesn't exist. - Use `positional`, `before` and `after` keyword arguments only when adding a new argument. - If `before` is given, ignore `after`. - If neither `before` nor `after` are given and it's needed to add a new argument, then append the new argument to the end. - If `positional` is True, try to add the given value as a positional argument. Ignore `preserve_spacing` if positional is True. If it's None, do what seems more appropriate. """ args = (*reversed(self.arguments),) arg = get_arg(name, args) # Updating an existing argument. if arg: if positional: arg.positional = positional if preserve_spacing: val = arg.value arg.value = val.replace(val.strip(WS), value, 1) else: arg.value = value return # Adding a new argument if not name and positional is None: positional = True # Calculate the whitespace needed before arg-name and after arg-value. if not positional and preserve_spacing and args: before_names = [] name_lengths = [] before_values = [] after_values = [] for arg in args: aname = name_len = len(aname) name_lengths.append(name_len) before_names.append(STARTING_WS_MATCH(aname)[0]) arg_value = arg.value before_values.append(STARTING_WS_MATCH(arg_value)[0]) after_values.append(ENDING_WS_MATCH(arg_value)[0]) pre_name_ws_mode = mode(before_names) name_length_mode = mode(name_lengths) post_value_ws_mode = mode( [SPACE_AFTER_SEARCH(self.string)[0]] + after_values[1:] ) pre_value_ws_mode = mode(before_values) else: preserve_spacing = False # Calculate the string that needs to be added to the Template. if positional: # Ignore preserve_spacing for positional args. addstring = '|' + value else: if preserve_spacing: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable addstring = ( '|' + (pre_name_ws_mode + name.strip(WS)).ljust( name_length_mode ) + '=' + pre_value_ws_mode + value + post_value_ws_mode ) else: addstring = '|' + name + '=' + value # Place the addstring in the right position. if before: arg = get_arg(before, args) arg.insert(0, addstring) elif after: arg = get_arg(after, args) arg.insert(len(arg.string), addstring) else: if args and not positional: arg = args[0] arg_string = arg.string if preserve_spacing: # Insert after the last argument. # The addstring needs to be recalculated because we don't # want to change the the whitespace before final braces. # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable arg[0 : len(arg_string)] = ( arg.string.rstrip(WS) + post_value_ws_mode + addstring.rstrip(WS) + after_values[0] ) else: arg.insert(len(arg_string), addstring) else: # The template has no arguments or the new arg is # positional AND is to be added at the end of the template. self.insert(-2, addstring)
[docs] def get_arg(self, name: str) -> Optional[Argument]: """Return the last argument with the given name. Return None if no argument with that name is found. """ return get_arg(name, reversed(self.arguments))
[docs] def has_arg(self, name: str, value: str = None) -> bool: """Return true if the is an arg named `name`. Also check equality of values if `value` is provided. Note: If you just need to get an argument and you want to LBYL, it's better to get_arg directly and then check if the returned value is None. """ for arg in reversed(self.arguments): if == name.strip(WS): if value: if arg.positional: if arg.value == value: return True return False if arg.value.strip(WS) == value.strip(WS): return True return False return True return False
[docs] def del_arg(self, name: str) -> None: """Delete all arguments with the given then.""" for arg in reversed(self.arguments): if == name.strip(WS): del arg[:]
@property def templates(self) -> List['Template']: return super().templates[1:]
def mode(list_: List[T]) -> T: """Return the most common item in the list. Return the first one if there are more than one most common items. Example: >>> mode([1,1,2,2,]) 1 >>> mode([1,2,2]) 2 >>> mode([]) ... ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence """ return max(set(list_), key=list_.count) def get_arg(name: str, args: Iterable[Argument]) -> Optional[Argument]: """Return the first argument in the args that has the given name. Return None if no such argument is found. As the computation of self.arguments is a little costly, this function was created so that other methods that have already computed the arguments use it instead of calling self.get_arg directly. """ for arg in args: if == name.strip(WS): return arg return None