Source code for wikitextparser._table

from bisect import insort_right
from import Mapping
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

from regex import DOTALL, VERBOSE

from ._cell import (
from ._spans import ATTRS_MATCH
from ._tag import SubWikiTextWithAttrs
from ._wikitext import WS, rc

    # Everything until the caption line
        # Start of table
        # Start of caption line
    # Optional caption attrs
T = TypeVar('T')
FIND_ROWS = rc(rb'\|-(.*)').finditer

HEAD_DIGITS = rc(rb'\s*+\d+').match

# Captions are optional and only one should be placed between table-start
# and the first row. Others captions are not part of the table and will
# be ignored.
FIRST_NON_CAPTION_LINE = rc(rb'\n[\t \0]*+(\|(?!\+)|!)|\Z').search

def head_int(value):
    if value is None:
        return 1
    match = HEAD_DIGITS(value)
    return 1 if match is None else int(match[0])

[docs] class Table(SubWikiTextWithAttrs): __slots__ = '_attrs_match_cache'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._attrs_match_cache = None, None
@property def nesting_level(self) -> int: """Return the nesting level of self. The minimum nesting_level is 0. Being part of any Table increases the level by one. """ return self._nesting_level(('Table',)) - 1 @property def _table_shadow(self) -> bytearray: """Remove Table spans from shadow and return it.""" shadow = self._shadow[:] ss = self._span_data[0] for s, e, _, _ in self._subspans('Table'): if s == ss: continue shadow[s - ss : e - ss] = b'#' * (e - s) return shadow @property def _match_table(self) -> List[List[Any]]: """Return match_table.""" table_shadow = self._table_shadow # Remove table-start and table-end marks. pos = table_shadow.find(10) # ord('\n') lsp = _lstrip_increase(table_shadow, pos) # Remove everything until the first row try: # while condition may raise IndexError of table is empty while table_shadow[lsp] not in b'!|': nlp = table_shadow.find(10, lsp) # ord('\n') pos = nlp lsp = _lstrip_increase(table_shadow, pos) except IndexError: return [[]] # Start of the first row match_table = [] pos = FIRST_NON_CAPTION_LINE(table_shadow, pos).start() rsp = _row_separator_increase(table_shadow, pos) pos = -1 while pos != rsp: pos = rsp # We have a new row. m = NEWLINE_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) # Don't add a row if there are no new cells. if m: match_row = [] # type: List[Any] match_table.append(match_row) while m is not None: match_row.append(m) sep = m['sep'] pos = m.end() if sep == b'|': m = INLINE_NONHAEDER_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) while m is not None: match_row.append(m) pos = m.end() m = INLINE_NONHAEDER_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) elif sep == b'!': m = INLINE_HAEDER_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) while m is not None: match_row.append(m) pos = m.end() m = INLINE_HAEDER_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) pos = FIRST_NON_CAPTION_LINE(table_shadow, pos).start() m = NEWLINE_CELL_MATCH(table_shadow, pos) rsp = _row_separator_increase(table_shadow, pos) return match_table
[docs] def data( self, span: bool = True, strip: bool = True, row: int = None, column: int = None, ) -> Union[List[List[str]], List[str], str]: """Return a list containing lists of row values. :param span: If true, calculate rows according to rowspans and colspans attributes. Otherwise ignore them. :param row: Return the specified row only. Zero-based index. :param column: Return the specified column only. Zero-based index. :param strip: strip data values Note: Due to the lots of complications that it may cause, this function won't look inside templates, parser functions, etc. See for how wiki-tables can be inserted within templates. """ match_table = self._match_table # Note string is only used for extracting data, matching is done over # the shadow. string = self.string table_data = [] # type: List[List[str]] if strip: for match_row in match_table: row_data = [] # type: List[str] table_data.append(row_data) for m in match_row: # Spaces after the first newline can be meaningful s, e = m.span('data') row_data.append(string[s:e].lstrip(' ').rstrip(WS)) else: for match_row in match_table: row_data = [] table_data.append(row_data) for m in match_row: s, e = m.span('data') row_data.append(string[s:e]) if table_data: if span: table_attrs = [] # type: List[List[Dict[str, str]]] for match_row in match_table: row_attrs = [] # type: List[Dict[str, str]] table_attrs.append(row_attrs) row_attrs_append = row_attrs.append for m in match_row: s, e = m.span('attrs') captures = ATTRS_MATCH( string.encode('ascii', 'replace'), s, e ).captures row_attrs_append( dict( zip( captures('attr_name'), captures('attr_value'), ) ) ) table_data = _apply_attr_spans(table_attrs, table_data) if row is None: if column is None: return table_data return [r[column] for r in table_data] if column is None: return table_data[row] return table_data[row][column]
[docs] def cells( self, row: int = None, column: int = None, span: bool = True, ) -> Union[List[List[Cell]], List[Cell], Cell]: """Return a list of lists containing Cell objects. :param span: If is True, rearrange the result according to colspan and rospan attributes. :param row: Return the specified row only. Zero-based index. :param column: Return the specified column only. Zero-based index. If both row and column are provided, return the relevant cell object. If only need the values inside cells, then use the ``data`` method instead. """ tbl_span = self._span_data ss = tbl_span[0] match_table = self._match_table shadow = self._shadow type_ = id(tbl_span) type_to_spans = self._type_to_spans spans = type_to_spans.setdefault(type_, []) table_cells = [] # type: List[List[Cell]] table_attrs = [] # type: List[List[Dict[str, str]]] attrs_match = None for match_row in match_table: row_cells = [] # type: List[Cell] table_cells.append(row_cells) if span: row_attrs = [] # type: List[Dict[str, str]] table_attrs.append(row_attrs) row_attrs_append = row_attrs.append for m in match_row: header = m['sep'] == b'!' ms, me = m.span() cell_span = [ss + ms, ss + me, None, shadow[ms:me]] if span: s, e = m.span('attrs') # Note: ATTRS_MATCH always matches, even to empty strings. # Also ATTRS_MATCH should match against the cell string # so that it can be used easily as cache later in Cells. attrs_match = ATTRS_MATCH(shadow[ms:me], s - ms, e - ms) captures = attrs_match.captures # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable row_attrs_append( dict( zip(captures('attr_name'), captures('attr_value')) ) ) old_span = next((s for s in spans if s == cell_span), None) if old_span is None: insort_right(spans, cell_span) else: cell_span = old_span row_cells.append( Cell( self._lststr, header, type_to_spans, cell_span, type_, m, attrs_match, ) ) if table_cells and span: table_cells = _apply_attr_spans(table_attrs, table_cells) if row is None: if column is None: return table_cells return [r[column] for r in table_cells] if column is None: return table_cells[row] return table_cells[row][column]
@property def caption(self) -> Optional[str]: """Caption of the table. Support get and set.""" m = CAPTION_MATCH(self._shadow) if m: return self(*m.span('caption')) return None @caption.setter def caption(self, newcaption: str) -> None: shadow = self._shadow m = CAPTION_MATCH(shadow) if m: s = m.end('attrs') self[s if s != -1 else m.end('preattrs') : m.end('caption')] = ( newcaption ) return # There is no caption. Create one. h, s, t = shadow.partition(b'\n') # Insert caption after the first one. self.insert(len(h + s), '|+' + newcaption + '\n') @property def _attrs_match(self) -> Any: cache_match, cache_string = self._attrs_match_cache string = self.string if cache_string == string: return cache_match shadow = self._shadow attrs_match = ATTRS_MATCH(shadow, 2, shadow.find(10)) # ord('\n') self._attrs_match_cache = attrs_match, string return attrs_match @property def caption_attrs(self) -> Optional[str]: """Caption attributes. Support get and set operations.""" m = CAPTION_MATCH(self._shadow) if m: s, e = m.span('attrs') if s != -1: return self(s, e) return None @caption_attrs.setter def caption_attrs(self, attrs: str) -> None: shadow = self._shadow h, s, t = shadow.partition(b'\n') m = CAPTION_MATCH(shadow) if not m: # There is no caption-line self.insert(len(h + s), '|+' + attrs + '|\n') else: # Caption and attrs or Caption but no attrs end = m.end('attrs') if end != -1: self[m.end('preattrs') : end] = attrs @property def row_attrs(self) -> List[dict]: """Row attributes. Use the setter of this property to set attributes for all rows. Note that it will overwrite all the existing attr values. """ shadow = self._table_shadow string = self.string attrs = [] append = attrs.append for row_match in FIND_ROWS(shadow): s, e = row_match.span(1) spans = ATTRS_MATCH(shadow, s, e).spans append( { string[ns:ne]: string[vs:ve] for (ns, ne), (vs, ve) in zip( spans('attr_name'), spans('attr_value') ) } ) return attrs @row_attrs.setter def row_attrs(self, attrs: List[Mapping]): for row_match, attrs_dict in reversed( [*zip(FIND_ROWS(self._table_shadow), attrs)] ): s, e = row_match.span(1) del self[s:e] self.insert( s, ''.join( [ f' {name}="{value}"' if value else f' {name}' for name, value in attrs_dict.items() ] ), )
def _apply_attr_spans( table_attrs: List[List[Dict[str, str]]], table_data: List[List[T]] ) -> List[List[T]]: """Apply row and column spans and return table_data.""" # The following code is based on the table forming algorithm described # at # Numeral comments indicate the steps in that algorithm. # 1, 2, 10 ycurrent = yheight = xwidth = 0 # 4 # The xwidth and yheight variables give the table's dimensions. # The table is initially empty. table = [] # type: List[List[Optional[T]]] append_row = table.append # won't call this function if table_data is empty. # 5 # if not table_data: # return table_data # 11 downward_growing_cells: List[Tuple[Optional[T], int, int]] = [] # 13, 18 # Algorithm for processing rows for attrs_row, row in zip(table_attrs, table_data): # 13.1 ycurrent is never greater than yheight if yheight == ycurrent: yheight += 1 append_row([None] * xwidth) # 13.2 xcurrent = 0 # 13.3 # The algorithm for growing downward-growing cells for cell, cellx, width in downward_growing_cells: r = table[ycurrent] for x in range(cellx, cellx + width): r[x] = cell # 13.4 will be handled by the following for-loop. # 13.5, 13.16 for attrs, current_cell in zip(attrs_row, row): # 13.6 attrs_get = attrs.get while xcurrent < xwidth and table[ycurrent][xcurrent] is not None: xcurrent += 1 # 13.7 if xcurrent == xwidth: # xcurrent is never greater than xwidth xwidth += 1 for r in table: if xwidth > len(r): r.extend([None] * (xwidth - len(r))) # 13.8 colspan = head_int(attrs_get(b'colspan')) if colspan == 0: # Note: colspan="0" tells the browser to span the cell to # the last column of the column group (colgroup) # colspan = 1 # 13.9 rowspan = head_int(attrs_get(b'rowspan')) # 13.10 if rowspan == 0: # Note: rowspan="0" tells the browser to span the cell to the # last row of the table. # cell_grows_downward = True rowspan = 1 else: cell_grows_downward = False # 13.11 if xwidth < xcurrent + colspan: xwidth = xcurrent + colspan for r in table: if xwidth > len(r): r.extend([None] * (xwidth - len(r))) # 13.12 if yheight < ycurrent + rowspan: yheight = ycurrent + rowspan while len(table) < yheight: append_row([None] * xwidth) # 13.13 for y in range(ycurrent, ycurrent + rowspan): r = table[y] for x in range(xcurrent, xcurrent + colspan): # If any of the slots involved already had a cell # covering them, then this is a table model error. # Those slots now have two cells overlapping. r[x] = current_cell # Skipping algorithm for assigning header cells # 13.14 if cell_grows_downward: downward_growing_cells.append( (current_cell, xcurrent, colspan) ) # 13.15 xcurrent += colspan # 13.16 ycurrent += 1 # 14 # The algorithm for ending a row group # 14.1 while ycurrent < yheight: # 14.1.1 # Run the algorithm for growing downward-growing cells. for cell, cellx, width in downward_growing_cells: for x in range(cellx, cellx + width): table[ycurrent][x] = cell # 14.2.2 ycurrent += 1 # 14.2 # downward_growing_cells = [] # 20 If there exists a row or column in the table containing only # slots that do not have a cell anchored to them, # then this is a table model error. return table def _lstrip_increase(shadow: bytearray, pos: int) -> int: """Return the new position to lstrip the shadow.""" length = len(shadow) while pos < length and shadow[pos] in {0, 9, 10, 13, 32}: # \0\t\n\r space pos += 1 return pos def _row_separator_increase(shadow: bytearray, pos: int) -> int: """Return the position after the starting row separator line. Also skips any semi-caption lines before and after the separator. """ # General format of row separators: r'\|-[^\n]*\n' ncl = FIRST_NON_CAPTION_LINE(shadow, pos).start() lsp = _lstrip_increase(shadow, ncl) while shadow[lsp : lsp + 2] == b'|-': # We are on a row separator line. pos = shadow.find(10, lsp + 2) # ord('\n') pos = FIRST_NON_CAPTION_LINE(shadow, pos).start() lsp = _lstrip_increase(shadow, pos) return pos